Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Trouble's Brewing. Are Milwaukee's Riot Police Ready?

The Democrat Establishment came roaring back to life last night, pulling Joe Biden's hidebound old fanny out of the fire, at least momentarily. But unless the party's "revolutionary" wing can be reined-in -- and I doubt it can be -- there's still a good chance Trump will win the general election, as Americans hold their noses and opt for the lesser of evils.

You're going to be hearing a lot about "decency," "honor" and "character" in the months to come, as the party of old White establishment oligarchs pivots away from concrete issues to make this election about ephemera like "hope" and "change" and who can be as nice and polite and "presidential" as former Presidents were.

Establishment Dems will be scrambling to wipe the stink of overt socialism off the party as quickly as possible. But that won't be easy with Bernie's angry Red Guard breathing down their necks, waiving the red banner and suspecting, with good reason, that the game is being rigged against their guy. Bernie's brigade isn't composed of party regulars, from which party discipline can be expected when the winnowing ends and unity is needed. They won't just passively fall back into lockstep "for the good of the party" because they were never in lockstep with the party. He's leading an insurgency, which is a much tougher beast to corral.

We could see rioting in the streets, ala 1968, by the time convention time comes around. And wouldn't that be fun?

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