Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Okay, But Who's Next?

Once one accepts the premise that billionaires are fair game for attack on the grounds that they're greedy and immoral exploiters who didn't honestly earn their money, obliging them to surrender a "fairer share" of their wealth for "public benefit," why would the scapegoating stop with just billionaires?

If too many American billionaires is the problem, what's to be done about all our multi-millionaires and mere millionaires, who presumably also amassed their disproportionate wealth through nefarious means? Bilking just the billionaires will only get us so far, in terms of fattening government coffers and creating a truly "just" society, so millionaires and other people of means must also be called to account. Or so goes the "logic" of the levelers

So if you think the Sanderistas are just coming for the billionaires, think again. Anyone who stirs the mob's ire and envy will be fair game when socialists declare war on "the rich."

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