Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Greatest Gift of All

Two Christmas eve news items serve as a welcome reminder that, while many Americans are willing to surrender their fundamental liberties for promises of safety or security or economic stability, the spirit of rebellion that spawned the American Revolution still burns bright and hot in many of us -- even if we express it in funny or odd or technically illegal ways.

Although it was banned as a "nuisance" and public safety hazard by authorities in Anchorage, Alaska, after complaints were voiced by Scrooges in the neighborhood, "Snowzilla" has returned, bigger and bolder than ever, miraculously reappearing in a front yard this morning. The owner of the home, who started the tradition a few years ago but this year was served with a cease-and-desist order, disavows any involvement in the illegal snowman-building caper.

Maybe it should be chalked-up as a Christmas miracle -- assuming there isn't some ordinance against those.

And from Phoenix comes this story, sure to warm the heart of every freedom-loving American, about a group of jolly old elfs who gift-wrapped a few of the automated traffic cameras that have been proliferating in the city, as a gift to motorists. The perpetrators videotaped the act of civil disobedience and posted it on YouTube, accompanied by the message, "lumps of coal to all of those who make it their business to watch and control.''

And while I'm certainly not in any way condoning illegal activity, I do appreciate the holiday message, and holiday cheer, they were attempting to share.

Merry Christmas, everyone. And remember that the most precious gift you can give or receive as an American is your freedom. It's a gift that will keep on giving, as long as you're deligent in defending it.

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