Friday, March 6, 2020

The Growing Backlash Against Green Sprawl

Remember, not too long ago, when environmentalists promoted "open space" and hated on "sprawl?" These days they're frantically destroying our open spaces with endless miles of wind and solar sprawl, most of which produces intermittent energy of marginal value to the grid.

But a backlash against green sprawl is growing at home and abroad.

NIMBYism has traditionally been a reliable tool for the Big Green Obstruction Machine. Greens have had success tapping in to the got-miner mentality to rally "neighbors" against drilling projects, pipelines, new power plants, transmission lines, etc. But perhaps now we're seeing a fraying of that symbiotic relationship, as the novelty of wind farms fades and people come to understand that it's a very wasteful, unsightly, space-intensive way to generate a very modest amount of unreliable but costly energy.

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